DWHR are based in Ipswich, Suffolk and have supported public sector and commercial clients in Ipswich and surrounding towns, such as Bury St Edmunds, Sudbury, Felixstowe, Lowestoft, Leiston, Hadleigh, Woodbridge and Mildenhall.
Examples of previous and current projects carried out include:
DWHR have designed and delivered assessment processes at all levels, from main grade employee to strategic manager. These processes invariably involve the design of suitable exercises, such as presentations, role-plays, multi-role-plays, analysis exercises and group exercises. They also involve the assimilation of competency-based, structured interviews, as well as the selection of appropriate psychometric assessments.
DWHR are currently working with a number of private individuals, in and around Ipswich, on job-search, outplacement and career-transition projects. As most of the people involved have recently been made redundant, as a product of the current economic and political climate, there is lot of emphasis on job-search techniques and finding the next role. A number of these people were formally employed in either local government or the NHS.
DWHR have contributed psychometric assessment services to a number of assessment and selection processes, in and around Ipswich. This has been in the public, private and the not-for-profit sectors. It has included the use of the "Regulatory Services Test" (RST), www.regu-test.co.uk, when these processes have been concerned with recruiting Trading Standards and Environmental Health Officers.
DWHR recently carried out a one-day job-hunting skills workshop for Bury St Edmunds Borough Council. This was for a group of staff who were "at risk", as a product of organisational change. The workshop included:
DWHR have recently designed and delivered a series of management and leadership development sessions for the Ardmore Veterinary Practice. Topics covered included:
DWHR helped a small, not-for-profit organisation, based in Felixstowe and Leiston to recruit two new members to their team. The process had to be both objective and fair. The assistance provided included:
DWHR have recently designed and delivered a series of management development workshops for Hadleigh Castings: Subjects covered included:
DWHR is currently providing one-to-one outplacement and career-transition coaching to a small number of people at Forest Heath District Council, who are soon to be released from the organisation, as a product of the Council’s need to make savings.